Thursday, August 12, 2010

I was going to try and wait til the end of August.....

I really was going to try and wait to the end of August to post my next blog, but I was bored at work (I know, kinda crazy to say, but I'm overly efficient and get way too much done....) so I decided to write my latest blog update in order to give myself something to do today!

So where are we.... well, I've gotten a few more things crossed of the list:

4) Go to a concert at Tanglewood this summer. I went with my friend Sarah Beck and we heard Yo-Yo Ma play Elgar's Cello Concerto - he was amazing! I also was able to check off #29) Go on a picnic at the same time. We had a lovely picnic on the lawn as we listened to the concert. Here are some pics from our day at Tanglewood:

23) Re-do at least one bathroom without any professional help. So this one got changed to: Go to Worcester Restaurant Week. I found out that Worcester has a Restaurant Week and decided to take advantage of it and try out one of the restaurants I had wanted to try out, so I went with my friend Sarah for a girl's night out to a great restaurant called Tribeca. If you live in or near Worcester, I highly recommend it. YUMMY! No pics from that evening, but a good time was had by all!

25) Go to a non-classical concert. So I went to this show called "The Donkey Show" - it's not technically a concert, but it's non-classical music :) I highly recommend this show if you are ever in Cambridge - it's awesome! Come prepared to dance, sing and be crazy! I went for my friend DJ's 30th bday and it was quite the evening. Here are just a couple pics from the evening: (and FYI, the first one is my sister Erin and DJ dancing with an almost naked guy from the show - haha)

27) Put my car back in its original condition. OK, so I said I wasn't going to do this in my last update, but unfortunately I didn't have a choice in the matter. When I went to turn my car in (I was leasing it), they said I couldn't turn it in with the big dent in the bumper. They were nice enough to take it to the body shop for me and get a quote for the repairs (luckily it just needed a bumper cover instead of a whole new bumper). I don't have pics to show you as they were going to take care of it for me after I paid for it by either sending the car back with the $ for repair work, or doing the work and then sending the car back. Either way, I didn't get to see the "after". Oh well.

30) Go to a sporting event (this is so not me, so I'll need friends to help me make this one fun!) :) I did go to a sporting event! I went and saw the Worcester Tornadoes, which is a minor league baseball team, and for those of you who know me well, you know that I really do hate baseball. haha..... But the tickets were $6... and I went with my friend Sarah, so that made it lots of fun. But I have to admit that it was more fun to be in a smaller stadium (unlike Fenway which is so big and commercial), which is much more intimate and personal. I still don't like baseball, but I'd go to another game. :) Here are some pics from our adventure that night:

So there you have it... that's my update for now. Just a few weeks left of the summer and I hope to cross a few more things off my list before it's over. Then I just have a few more things left to cross off my list and I still have over 5 months left until I turn 32 (sigh....)!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Sarah, you are doing awesome on your list!!! Everything sounds so fun. Wish I could've gone to that Tanglewood concert with you guys!!! Miss you!!!!
