Sunday, July 11, 2010

Uhhh, What month is it????

So, needless to say it has been a little bit crazy, and therefore not much more has been done on the list. BUT....I have a very good reason why....

1) Open the doors to my music school. I AM OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!!!! WOOHOO!!!! Well, technically I officially open to the public on Monday...details details.... After a year of planning, organizing, searching for buildings, etc., I finally got this school up and running!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am! Now all I need are the students to start signing up for lessons and classes :) Please check out my website ( and refer people to the school if you live in the area.

So obviously MOST of my time has been spent working on this and making this happen.

That being said, I've decided to re-post the list and do some re-evaluating of the remaining items left to do. I have a feeling there are certain items that will definitely not get completed.

1) Open the doors to my music school. DONE :)
2) Read all the books by the Bronte sisters. This very well might not happen. I read the 2 best books and have diligently made my way to book #4 of 7. I'll try my best on this one.
3) See the Boston Ballet (or a ballet in any city). DONE
4) Go to a concert at Tanglewood this summer. Will definitely do.
5) Give a recital. Will do. Must start practicing again :)
6) Learn to make 1 new vegetarian recipe ever month. Well, we're going to say this one is done as I can no longer cook new meals as a result of my new food allergies. We'll just take the "once a month" part out. Up until the food allergies came along I was doing well with this one. So...DONE
7) Do a full on spring cleaning - this time make sure things actually make it to goodwill! DONE (items still not to Goodwill, but are going soon)
8) Take advantage of Boston Restaurant Week. DONE
9) Be bold and ask someone out on a date. DONE
10) Learn to say "please" "thank you" and "I love you" in 20 different languages. Not going to happen - basically, I'm just too lazy to do this :)
11) Learn a new fact every day. DONE. The site I was going to for new facts stopped updating their facts, but in running your own business you learn TONS of new things every single day, therefore I consider this one done as I have and will continue to learn new things every single day!
12) Randomly tell/show people that I care about them. In process.
13) Go on a mini-vacation (ie. visit Mieke in London, Steph in SF, or go someplace I've never been - like Montreal). DONE. No real vacation happening, but did go to NY several times, and went to Maine for a day, and also went home to MN several times.
14) Learn a piece of music I don't like and see if I still don't like it after learning it (I stole this from Becky's 30 by 30 list). DONE. I was going to play this on my recital (Jolivet Chant de linos), but I think I'll pick another piece I don't like since I don't think I have the time to practice this piece enough to perform it on a recital (nor do I like it still! haha)
15) Get together with my sisters once a month. DONE and still doing
16) Go rollerblading on the Charles River. will do
17) Spend a day at the beach this summer. will do
18) Host a dinner party or a holiday dinner. DONE
19) Get new plants for my home and see if I can make them live this time! DONE (and so far still alive)
20) Enroll in an adult-ed class (I stole this one from Elizabeth's 32 by 32 list). DONE
21) Return to my natural hair color (this is contingent on my stylist letting me do this!). DONE
22) Learn a new hobby - I've chosen guitar. sooooo not happening. However, I have decided to change this from learn guitar to.... decorating on a budget (or doing anything on a budget for that matter) :)
23) Re-do at least one bathroom without any professional help. soooo not going to happen
24) Go to a jazz club. DONE
25) Go to a non-classical concert. will try to do
26) Take Ella ice skating. will try to do
27) Put my car back in its original condition. not going to do
28) Go see a comedian. DONE. I actually did go see a comedy troupe called Irish Comedy Tour after my birthday (a really bad date, but the comedians were awesome)... I was going to try and see another comedian but seeing as I have no money and no time, I think I'll count this for #28. Highly recommend this group - hilarious, but only if you're not easily offended. :)
29) Go on a picnic. will do
30) Go to a sporting event (this is so not me, so I'll need friends to help me make this one fun!) :) still hoping to do this
31) Watch all 8 seasons of 24 - this one is for Kayla. DONE (except season 8 which I will watch when it comes out on DVD)
32) Lose 32 pounds - seems like a good # to end the challenge on. still doing - so far I'm down 20 lbs (thank you food allergies for that - at least you are good for something!)

So I will try to come up with 3 new things to replace #10, #23 and #27. I would come up with something now but I'm honestly too tired right now. :)


  1. Hey Sarah! I love this idea and I think it's amazing you've accomplished so many. I might have to steal this idea for 31 - I'm already half-way through year 30. Congratulations!

  2. My beautiful Sarah! I'm soo proud of you and soo excited for the opening of your school! What an accomplishment! And I think you're doing great on your list! Still trying to decide what kind of "list/challenge" we'll do next... Miss you and LOVE YOU!!!
