Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Goodbye 32, Hello 33!

Seeing as I'm about 3 weeks into year 33, I thought I should review the goals I set out to complete for year 32. Alas, I can't say there has been much of an update since the last post. I did not go skiing (#7) - 1) I just didn't have time and 2) Winter hasn't arrived yet (yes, I know they make snow, but it doesn't look like winter anywhere else around me). But everything else seems to have been completed. I may or may not go skiing this winter... we shall see what happens!

Now onto the goals for year 33:

 1) I am going to read another 6 books. 6 is a good number - enough to encourage me to keep reading, but not too many so that I have time to read them all even when I get super busy. Thus far I have already read 1 book! It is called "Matchmaker of Kenmare" by Frank Delaney. It was quite delightful and I'm tempted to read his other books. I am starting "Madame Bovary" by Gustave Flaubert. I got a 3rd one to read but can't remember what it is called (or who it is by). I definitely want to read "Rules of Civility" (once again no idea who wrote it) but haven't been able to find it at the bookstore. The other 2... well, I'll figure those out after I finish the next 3.

 2) Remodel Bathrooms. It was on the list for 31 and was listed as a bonus goal for 32. It is once again back on the list and it is actually going to happen this time around! The work is happening as we speak! I am very anxious to have new bathrooms as the ones I have are most certainly the original bathrooms from when my place was built in 1985! Before and after pictures to come once the work is finished.

3) Take voice lessons. Last year it was guitar lessons. Unfortunately I have been a bit too busy to practice guitar in awhile, but it is fun and I will definitely continue on with it when I have time. So this year I decided to give voice lessons a try (not because I want to be some amazing singer, but because I thought it might help with my speaking voice). Despite my infrequent practicing (don't tell my teacher! ;) ), I am having a blast with the lessons and am improving a great deal (I started the lessons in January) - I actually don't mind listening to my lesson tapes!

 4) Write a song. One day I randomly had this thought that I wanted to write a song. I have no idea why. It's not like I am some great composer, singer, poet, etc... but I thought it might be a fun challenge to see what I could come up with. Who knows, maybe I'll be the next Adele (I crack myself up!).

 5) Give a recital. I really wanted to do one yearly after my last one in Feb. 2011. I was hoping for a Fall 2011 recital, but that came and went... then I thought I'd push it to Spring 2011 but that doesn't seem likely.... so here's hoping for Fall 2012!

 6) Lose 15-25 pounds. Yes, there is a range - gives me some flexibility for a place where I'd be totally satisfied at to the ultimate dream weight. I'm happy with where I am out, but I wouldn't mind taking a few pounds off. A woman is never satisfied!

7) Go on a vacation. I haven't really had a vacation since I started the school. Yes, I've had some breaks for holidays or summer weekend trips to the Cape, but even when I have breaks at the school I am inundated with other stuff to do (like this week it's school vacation week and I've filled in the week with bathroom remodeling). Thank goodness my middle sister is getting married this June... in Jamaica! Vacation for me!!! I can't wait! I think item #6 will have to go into super sonic mode so I look great in a swimsuit! :)

So there you have it. Just 7 things on the goal list for this year. It seems to be getting less and less since I started my yearly goals, but I suppose that is the nature of the beast when you get busier and busier. I think 33 is going to be a fabulous year! It's off to a great start and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings. :)