Saturday, February 27, 2010

1 Month Down, 11 To Go!

Ok, so February is coming to a close and it's time for an update on my list. Here's how things look so far:

2. Read all the books by the Bronte sisters: I just complete "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte today. I must say that I did enjoy it. 1 book down, 6 more to go.

6. Learn to make 1 new vegetarian recipe a month: I made Leek, Mushroom, Lemon was quite delicious! I think the next time I make it I will add artichokes...yummy! Here are some pictures of my yummy meal:

11. Learn a new fact everyday: I've been pretty good about this. I would say I've learned a new fact almost every day. :) There is a great website for random facts:

15. Get together with my sisters once a month: I got together with my sisters earlier this month for my birthday. We had a lovely dinner at DaVinci's - one of my favorite restaurants in Boston.

20. Enroll in an adult-ed class: I enrolled in the's called Introduction to Dreamweaver (or something to that effect) - it's basically a website design class. Classes start Monday and last 7 weeks. I'm very excited :)

Those are the biggest ones so far....more to come! :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I can comment! So proud of you with your list and your recipes look delicious!!!

    Incredibly good to see you this weekend and can't wait to see you again!!! LOVE YOU! :)
