Saturday, March 27, 2010

2 Months Down and 10 to Go!

Well, March isn't over yet....but it almost is and I probably won't accomplish any more in the next few days, so here is what I've done this month:

2. Read all the books by the Bronte sisters: I finished "Wurthering Heights" by Emily Bronte. I did enjoy this one..not so much because the story was great, but because of the author itself. Her story made this story remarkable. I won't say more incase you haven't read the book....if you haven't, you should. Apparently this is a love it or hate it book. Read about the author first and then read the book - then I think you'll love the book. :) Only 5 more books to go!

6. Make a new vegetarian recipe every month: this month I decided to make Baked Leeks. It sounded better than it ended up being. It ended up being very bland. But I'm putting a picture in just so you can see it - it at least looks nice. I also made a poached egg salad (which I've made before) and is quite good, so I've posted a picture as well.

Since this meal didn't turn out to be so yummy, I decided to make a new recipe for St. Patrick's Day. This time I decided to make irish food - potato leek soup and something called colcannon (it's like mashed potatoes with cabbage in it). These both turned out to be much more tasty. I did however end up steam-burning myself in the process of making these - oh well. Cooking is definitely NOT my thing :) Here are the end results:

8. Take advantage of Boston Restaurant Week: I went last night with my sisters (combining this activity with #15. Get together with my sisters once a month) to DaVinci's in Boston. This is my favorite restaurant in Boston - if you haven't been, you should definitely check it any italian restaurant I've been to in the North End. They served their entire menu instead of having a special menu which is why we chose this restaurant (all 3 of us are vegetarians). Needless to say it was most excellent as usual. Here is a picture from our evening out:

11. Learn a new fact every day: I've been pretty good about doing this. Here are some of my favorites:

~In 1923, parts of China's rural Heilongjiang province experienced a severe thunderstorm during which thousands of cobras fell from the sky.

~The pope's official barber, who only cuts the pope's hair, earns an annual salary the equivalent to $250,000 US.

~The US Military spends more money on condoms than on bullets for US troops stationed in South Korea.

~An ounce of pickled ginger can temporarily raise your IQ by as many as 10 points.

~Four leaf clovers are caused by the same mutation that causes conjoined twins.

13. Go on a mini-vacation: I haven't really been on a vacation per-se, but I've been to NYC a lot this year. I've been to visit one of my best friends, Becky (who I went to grad school with in San Francisco), a couple times. The first was for her final DMA recital (she is a fellow flutist) and the second was for her baby shower (her first baby - a little girl named Maelee!- is due next month). Here are some pictures from those visits:

14) Learn a piece of music I don't like and see if I still don't like it after learning it (I stole this from Becky's 30 by 30 list): I've chosen Jolivet's Chant de far not liking it any better. We'll see if it gets any better - not holding my breath! :)

21) Return to my natural hair color (this is contingent on my stylist letting me do this!): Ok, so I finally convinced my stylist to let me return to my "natural" hair color - and by this I mean, the colored version of my natural hair color - or thereabouts :) I am naturally a dark or dirty blond (although the roots growing in look like a very ashy blond now, so maybe I'm getting lighter!). I decided to color my hair reddish brown and then chocolate brown over the last 2 years and really loved it, but then I missed being blond. Unfortunately my stylist preferred me as a brunette and I had a very difficult time convincing her to let me go lighter again, but I finally won! :) So here is what I look like now. Also, attached is a pic of the darker hair so you can see brunette Sarah. Which do you prefer?? :) I'll probably keep it for the summer and then go dark again - go figure! :)

I think that about covers it for now. More to come next month! Happy Spring! :)

1 comment:

  1. My sweet Sarah!!! LOVE all your accomplishments!!! All the food looks so yummy- you're making me hungry! And I'm so impressed by your book reading and fact learning- scared of some of that data...

    Anyhow, I SOOOO enjoyed your trips to NYC - you're AMAZING! And to put up with me during some of my stressed out "freak outs" while here, you are a trooper and such a special friend!!!

    BTW- I think you look pretty hot w/ dark hair, but man, that picture of your new look is SMOKIN'!!! Gorgeous both ways :)
