Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Big 32 by 32 Challenge!

So I've decided to embark on a challenge to accomplish 32 things by the time I turn 32. Here is the list:

1) Open the doors to my music school.
2) Read all the books by the Bronte sisters.
3) See the Boston Ballet (or a ballet in any city).
4) Go to a concert at Tanglewood this summer.
5) Give a recital.
6) Learn to make 1 new vegetarian recipe ever month.
7) Do a full on spring cleaning - this time make sure things actually make it to goodwill!
8) Take advantage of Boston Restaurant Week.
9) Be bold and ask someone out on a date.
10) Learn to say "please" "thank you" and "I love you" in 20 different languages.
11) Learn a new fact every day.
12) Randomly tell/show people that I care about them.
13) Go on a mini-vacation (ie. visit Mieke in London, Steph in SF, or go someplace I've never been - like Montreal).
14) Learn a piece of music I don't like and see if I still don't like it after learning it (I stole this from Becky's 30 by 30 list).
15) Get together with my sisters once a month.
16) Go rollerblading on the Charles River.
17) Spend a day at the beach this summer.
18) Host a dinner party or a holiday dinner.
19) Get new plants for my home and see if I can make them live this time!
20) Enroll in an adult-ed class (I stole this one from Elizabeth's 32 by 32 list).
21) Return to my natural hair color (this is contingent on my stylist letting me do this!).
22) Learn a new hobby - I've chosen guitar.
23) Re-do at least one bathroom without any professional help.
24) Go to a jazz club.
25) Go to a non-classical concert.
26) Take Ella ice skating.
27) Put my car back in its original condition.
28) Go see a comedian.
29) Go on a picnic.
30) Go to a sporting event (this is so not me, so I'll need friends to help me make this one fun!) :)
31) Watch all 8 seasons of 24 - this one is for Kayla.
32) Lose 32 pounds - seems like a good # to end the challenge on.

So there you have it! I'll update you on my progress. Here's to 2010 and accomplishing these goals! :)

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